Women and Youth for Social Justice
The Campaign! (WYSJ)
Promotion of Equal Rights & Social Justice for Women, Young People and the Vulnerable


Women and Youth for Social Justice - The Campaign! formerly Young Women Campaign Against AIDS (YWCAA) is a registered Non Governmental Organization that was founded by a group of young women graduates in the early 2000. The initiative began as a merry-go-round (savings and loaning scheme) group for members economic empowerment.Some of the members substituted fees and sustainability at the university through part time work as Bar Waitresses. This experience was a turning point to address the impact of HIV/AIDS on bar waitresses whose work environment is believed to be a hotspot for the spread of HIV/AIDS among other social ills. Further, the founders' focus on vulnerable households was preempted by great loss of close family members who succumbed as a result of the scourge. read more

  • Message from the Co - Founder, The Campaign! (WYSJ)

    The Campaign! (WYSJ) has greatly contributed towards combating HIV/AIDS among women, youth and the vulnerable populations for close to two decades. The organization is committed to Vision 2030. Our intervention through mitigation of socio-economic effects, Behaviour Change and Communication has seen many lives positively transform. Through collaboration with friends and allies, we at YWCAA affirm our resolute efforts in achieving 'the Future We Want'. We commit to the undertakings of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the agenda 1, 3, 5, 13 and 17; - No Poverty, Good Health & Well being, Gender Equality, Climate Action and Partnership for Goals. This is echoed in our 2017 - 2022 Strategic Plan which underscores zeal for Growth, Inclusivity and promotion of Social Justice in addressing HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, care and support in an integrated and holistic manner. In respect of this, our priority areas include advocacy towards access to information and services on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, promotion of human rights and gender equality, empowering communities to effectively address climate change and its effects. We acknowledge that this task is huge. It requires a stronger institution both from within and outside in order to succeed, and that's why one of our key emphasis is institutional capacity strengthening. YWCAA is dedicated to being the Voice of the voiceless and to restore hope among marginalized women, young people and the vulnerable.

    By Ms. Peres Abeka Co - Founder, The Campaign! (WYSJ)